Haney Phinyowattanachip PLLC is an education law boutique. With more than 20 years of combined work experience at one of the leading international law firms, we started our firm with a dogged determination to provide the best service at an exceptional value for our clients.
We love what we do. In fact, education law is our sole focus. We understand the most critical legal issues facing educational institutions and work tirelessly to solve them so our clients can focus on what they best do—educate students.
Our collective experience places us at the cutting edge of our field. We have represented over 50 public school boards throughout Virginia and serve as the chief lobbyist for the Virginia School Boards Association. We also have consulted with the Virginia Department of Education on education law and policy issues. Our experience allows us to bring unique insights on a broad range of issues and tailor them for individual clients, creating exceptional service.
Not only do we practice education law, we also teach it. We teach both School Law and Higher Education Law classes at a leading university; teach continuing legal education courses to our peers; and conduct seminars and in-service training sessions to our clients on pressing topics. We also are often invited to speak at educators’ and superintendents’ annual conferences.
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about us. We look forward to building a relationship with you.
A founding member of Haney Phinyowattanachip PLLC, Stacy Haney has devoted her practice to the representation of school boards and educational institutions throughout Virginia.
A former math teacher at a public school in Philadelphia, Pakapon (“Pak”) Phinyowattanachip now devotes his entire practice to representing educational institutions.
Matt earned his law degree from the Washington and Lee University School of Law, where he served as Note Editor for the Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice, and Vice-Chair of the W&L Moot Court Executive Board.
Matt Woodward served as a law clerk for the Honorable Senior Justice LeRoy F. Millette of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Matt worked as a Public Defender in Portsmouth, Virginia before his clerkship.